
Regarding me

Hi, my name is Jahan (as you could guess from the domain), and I'm the gardener of this site. I'm interested in coding and philosophy and hopefully this site stands a testament to that, with it's pure PHP and calculated layout.

My old passport photo

I'm only just now making an about page (2023/09/20) as I've found them a bit pointless and never know what to write on them, but since I've noticed myself enjoying reading them on other sites I've decided to make one now.

My map

(Also see #homepage)

You may have noticed the homepage links corresponding to the sephirot, so I'll explicate on their order.

  1. Keter - Crown - thoughts : je pense, donc je suis
  2. Chokmah - Wisdom - bored : it bespeaks the infinite erectness or loftiness of his being spirit
  3. Binah - Understanding - artlangs : Myxarymêk
  4. Chesed - Kindness - about : vulnerability
  5. Gevurah - Discipline - contact : my good old email, resisting change
  6. Tiferet - Glory - photos : God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good
  7. Netzach - Victory - projects : the fruits of my labor
  8. Hod - Splendour - rss : is my paper not enough?
  9. Yesod - Foundation - dreams : only in dreams are your illusions free from reality
  10. Malkuth - Kingdom - explore : out of sanctuary

Regarding the site

This site uses the standard vanilla front-end tools: HTML, CSS, and (on rare occassion) JavaScript. I know many people dislike JavaScript (I can't say I'm one of these people myself, but I sympathize) so I only use it on the random things section of my site (I think, feel free to tell me if I'm wrong). Back-end the site uses lots of PHP and MySQL. Whilst many seem to think PHP a plague, I think that - despite it's irregularities - it works quite well for what it was intended.

The site is hosted through BlueHost, which has a fair share of issues (like full second load times for blank pages), but; it's cheap, so I use it.

The front-end

I try to keep a fairly minimal front-end. While many things on this site definetly do not scream "minimalist" (like all the background gifs I add), I try to keep the number of things on the screen to a minimum. I'll never put ads nor pop-ups, and I try to keep all the visual elements in the background.

One of my favorite things to add to the site is title attributes to links and text, so when you hover your mouse over them (sorry, mobile users) there'll be some suprise commentary attached. I've thought about indicating which text has this (if you look in the default stylesheet for my site you can see commented out styles for this), but I decided not to add this as it 1) clutters the text and 2) removes some of the mystery. If you want to look for some of this, all the links on the homepage have title attributes, along with a lot of the text in my dream diary and blog.

The back-end

Pretty much anything on this site which could be automated, I try to automate. The dream, project, thought and photo pages are all hooked up to a database as to make it easy for me to add new things. The RSS pages are also auto-generated. I haven't (yet at least) made any special pages for adding things to the database, since it's just me, and I'm comfortable with the phpMyAdmin interface provided by my hosting provider. I've also had issues with special characters and upload things I've made in the past, so that makes me reluctant as well.

I have two sitemap pages for this site, the main one which I just edit by hand, and one for the articles I write, which is auto-generated. I've thought about automating the main one as well, but it just seems like a long walk for so little water to me.

The homepage

Some people have asked what the photo I have as the background on the site's home is, so anyways, it's a drawing of the Sephirot from Jewish Kabbalah. If you want to know more about that I'd recommend looking elsewhere, but basically it's a diagram from an old religious tradition which I thought would look nice on my site. That might be a bit sacrilegious, but it does look good, doesn't it? I have tried to map the Sephirot to the links in a way I felt meaningful, but I prioritized good design over that.

The scrollbar

The scrollbar on this site I copied from a project dedicated to old UI design (https://jdan.github.io/98.css/). While I only really wanted the scrollbar, it looks great so check it out.


♡2025 Copying is an act of love. Please copy.