Dreamt me n S—— were standing in a long line (looked like was to F——'s room, for some reason) & S—— asked where B——, which made me laugh.
Dreamt me n S—— were standing in a long line (looked like was to F——'s room, for some reason) & S—— asked where B——, which made me laugh.
Dreamt I was drowsily listening to school announcements at the end of class and it ended off on the lines of "…and oh ya someone died." Leaving class I saw L—— laughing at the announcement to an offended S——.
Dreamt I graduated and saw a ton of people I hadn't in years.
Dreamt I was in China and went driving with some friends. We went to a restaurant and I was shocked to see L—— there, as I didn't remember ever seeing her come. To her presence she gave a shifty answer which I accepted and proceeded to steal a Mountain Dew.
Dreamt I was talking to S—— after waking up, saying how tired I was. Then with someone else I ended up going to a restaurant, buying a bowl of soup and a sugar cookie. After eating I got more food someplace else and bumped again into S——.
Dreamt of walls of text telling me detailed instructions on making sigils.
Dreamt of a bunch of short little worms, of which I was squishing with a tissue. I seem to dream of similar worms often.
Dreamt I was playing some wargame in Model UN, 2 (me and J——) v 2 (don't recall who). There was blaring piano music in the background. Reminded me of the city stage in spore (lots of spice).
Dreamt me and M—— saw 4 lines of Duvet written and started singing it.
Dreamt I was alone at some carnival, playing random games. There was an extensive section of Star Wars themed stuff. Every section except that was void of people.
Dreamt me and S—— were on some lawn at night, drinking under the streetlights.
Dreamt I was in some dark room, lots of wood, wet. There were all these people, floating in the air, pallets behind them, in a kind of angled plane in the room. I mentioned something about them not being real. I was carefully trying to remove something off one of them using a razor blade, when from behind a chainsaw cut them open. This happened to all of them, in a sort of dance, cutting across their stomach and their legs. I watched it, disgusted, and commented on how I disliked this part. I woke once it finished.
Had the same dream as the night before.
Dreamt that me, J——, R——, and some others voted on something of which I can't remember. We all voted for it.
Dreamt I was in some post apocalyptic world companioned with someone of who I can't remember. We stayed in this one block of buildings, where there was a Starbucks next to a hospital next to a parking lot next to a church. I remember looting the Starbucks and also destroying the parking lot at some points in the dream. At some point I also went on some gameshow? There were still people around, just a lot fewer than before whatever it was happened.
Dreamt there were lots of these tiny short black worms crawling up my fingernails. I was upset, as I only wanted 357 worms, but there were more than that.
Dreamt people kept saying something - how it was good God had died or something. This related somehow to a tiny light-blue salamander that was in my bathtub. It was quite cute. When I closed the door it jumped through a crack in it and landed on my neck.
Dreamt I was being quite theatrical with B——.
Also dreamt I was helping J—— pull charcoal apart on the back of a moving pickup truck. There were weird metal spiders residing inside the charcoal as well.
Dreamt I was living in a house on a very tiny island. There were little holograms near the edge of the water, and in the water were lots of worms squirming around. J—— was with me as well, but he didn't really do anything. It rained, and the water came up even closer to the house, and the worms along with it. I walked on the sand surrounding the house, trying to avoid the worms worming their way about.
Dreamt that almost everyone on earth disappeared and the remaining people wanted me to become their leader.
Dreamt that me and a few others were living away from the rest of the world. We had a leader who told us there was nothing else left in the world, which I found funny. We figured out a way to break the first law of thermodynamics, but we forgot about it pretty fast. Some more stuff happened which I can't remember, and at some point I ended up jumping off a cliff.
Dreamt of a bunch of diagrams of phonology systems for birds. Some of the birds in the diagrams didn't exist, like on one where the beak of the bird had a section cut off the top of it. The diagrams were in pen, and there were many symbols with arrows pointing to parts of the birds head.
Dreamt N—— finished the quest (???).
Dreamt J—— (K!) was talking to me about my bed. He asked what its name was, and I made up some name - which I can't remember - and told it to him. I then asked him if there was meant to be an official name or something, and he told me asking that question was the right answer. He started talking more, but I got distracted by one of those long Japanese millipedes that was crawling on the wall.
Dreamt I was talking to S—— about this annoying buzzing noise that we could both hear, and about sleep.
Dreamt of some anthropomorphized police officer trying to prove he was framed for something. Lassie-esque.
Dreamt I was at a meeting for some large company, and the building we were in was next to a large IKEA. Inside was a large door connecting the two stores, which I wanted to go through. I was with L——, who was in a bad mood, but she agreed to come with me. Looking at it, the whole door was like a puzzle. Eventually I figured (somehow) that the way to open the door was to connect two wires hooked up to microwave transformers, but as I was scared of being fried to death, I decided to just give up. I was quite thirsty after all this so I walked to the other end of the building where there was a buffet. It was practically pitch black there, and I kept walking into things. I thought I should add going through that door to my bucket list, but I couldn't remember the name of the building I was currently in.
Dreamt I was walking down a street in New Hampshire, lots of trees to the side of the road, and the ground slightly wet from recent rain. I saw C—— walking as well and ran up to him. We walked for a bit, then noticed a store and walked in. The store had wooden walls and claustrophobic shelves littering the place. Someone else entered the store, saw me, and ran out (S——, I think). C—— said it was because I had done something, I can't remember what, but which I remember thinking was stupid. A bit later me and C—— left the store and just walked for a bit again.
Dreamt I was in a store with M——, and he was taking forever to buy things. By the time he'd finished, the store was closing, and there was a long line for the checkout. It was a circular store, with earth colored walls and carpeting, no doors - but a hole in the wall for an entrance, and one checkout right by it. While he stood in the line I wandered off outside of the store where it was a large asphalt plain. I saw A—— and E——, who were doing some game with a few people I don't know, and I walked towards them. I also noticed S—— a bit off, and felt like saying hi, but didn't. Once I got up to A—— he - affectionately - grabbed me by the neck and told me I had a crook in my back. He said he knew a chiropractor near here, and that he'd take me. As we started walking I remembered M——, and said I had to go and ran back to the store. He, annoyed, said I had been gone for a long time.
Dreamt that I ate a chocolate doughnut. It was stale.
Dreamt that we (?) built a large white satellite dish in order to show off or something. But it was really a smaller satellite dish which we had before but with a fake hollow satellite dish on top of it.
Had a dream in which I remembered another dream in which I dreamt of nothing.
Had some sleep paralysis in which I was laying in bed whilst L—— and M—— were discussing America-China politics. L—— was being really annoying.
Had a short dream where I was talking about languages with J——. Then I woke up and started drifting off into another game where I was playing COD on my phone. There was a window in front of me. I knew I was dreaming but I was to tired to do anything else. A blue truck drove up through the window (second floor) and a large white flash and sharp noise followed. Then it dimmed to black and I heard strange music with people chanting.
Dreamt I was eating lunch and saw A—— who got his hair cut. It was short and blonde, and stringy. His face also looked very small on his face for some reason, and his skin had become paler.
Killed a beetle that was on L——'s arm in a dream.
Dreamt I was walking with my family through a very long hallway in an airport. After a while we decided to split up for some reason. I found an elevator which went down to a more open area in the building. I ran into M—— L—— and L—— in the elevator. I walked around for a while more, running into more people I knew, until eventually I was within visible distance of the exit. I started wondering where my family was so that we could leave when I bumped into S—— who gave me some strange black box. I then ended up talking to C—— who made me realize I was dreaming.
Shaved in a dream.
Had a lucid dream but I can't remember anything happening in it, I just remember realizing I was dreaming in a boring dream and thinking of what I should do. I do remember trying to split myself it two, but I don't think it worked.
Also had a dream where I came in either a bus or a train to a large salty marsh with a bunch of other people. In the center of the marsh was a bunch of mud-brick buildings. In the background there was what sounded like a female muezzin singing. I walked around the marsh, and there were many large white mice around. I ran into A—— and mentioned something about the singing. Then there was a four note sound that played which I've heard on the radio before, sounds very creepy. I think then there was some announcement. Then we all started going out of the swamp, some people running. As I was leaving there were around 15 mice in a messy line standing there, I shooed them away.
I then had one more dream, in which I went back to the marsh without anyone else. I had what I think was a pickaxe, and I also didn't wear socks or shoes. As I walked around I was quite careful of not touching anything strange, and I would kind of hop around the land. At one place near the edge of the marsh - it was surrounded by large plants I should note - I saw a large light-blue-paint-ish looking thing coming out of the marsh, as tall as me practically. I bumped it with the pickaxe, and it started moving a bit. I realized it was a large squid poking out of the water. I decided to go to a large building just outside of the marsh, and as I was going there something about circle salt things and death was flashing in my vision but I can't remember that part well.
Dreamt I was possessing ants to create different symbols with them.
Dreamt that me and my sister were setting up lunch on a table in a backyard I don't recognize, and she had cooked something wrong I think. I pointed this out to her and then she went to re-cook whatever the thing was. I left our house, which seemed to be inside of a medieval world, and there was a large gate I walked to. Outside of the gate aliens had come. My dream then became a 2D fighting game where I fought the giant aliens ship. When I destroyed it I noticed another one exactly the same behind it. Also I think there was a cow.
Dreamt me and a friend were talking about some rich old Japanese company that used to have their own web browser called Green Lights. The branch of the company that worked on it closed because of some scandal. Then slept in the dream and woke up into another dream where there was a ton of mosquitos.
Dreamt there was some really short day at school.
Had some sleep paralysis in which I was texted a bunch of times. Also dreamt that I was moving.
Dreamt I woke up and there were a bunch of people running back and forth in front of my house. There was also another guy in my bed. We both looked at the people running through my window, and I think he made a snarky comment about glare.
Dreamt I was trying to kill a spider but it crawled onto my arm and up my sleeve.
Also dreamt I was playing tag with nerf guns in Iran.
Dreamt I was trying to kill myself but kept being interrupted. Beans played into this somehow.
Dreamt I was practicing driving. I was trying to text something to R—— in that dream as well, but I accidently texted it to D—— who was texting me something.
Dreamt I was doing my PE final. It was just us playing basketball in the gym in groups. Eventually they just let us outside after a while as no one was doing anything. I saw C——, who had dyed part of their hair blue. Outside looked like a hellhole. I ended up walking next to J——, neither of us necessarily recognizing each other. We said something about being free jokingly, but how everyone would just do the same things they did in the gym. We then saw B—— sitting and went to him. There were tables sunken in the ground. Me and B—— played a game where we threw a spikey stick at the wall, then when it bounced off the other would try to grab it. Ouch.
Dreamt I was working on a game with X——, E——, and S——, and one other person I don't remember. S—— was in France but moving to the states. I was in charge of character design which upset me a bit.
Dreamt I was in Japan with A——. We had been there for a few days, but hadn't really done anything. We drove somewhere on a moped and went past a mountain which I claimed was called Fujiyama.
Dreamt I was at school for some reason. A group of us were sitting in a circle and someone told us to check out a table. We got up to look at the table, which had free pizza on it, on a grill.
Me and S—— were in a COD-like game, us two vs 5. Later on C—— told me that he was annoyed they removed height customization from the game.
In my dream I was watching a TV show that had a bunch of sexist aliens and Capt. Kirk.
I dreamt C—— told me something about our new schedules and I got excited to check mine.
Dreamt I was a movie star.
Dreamt me, Z——, and two others were betting on something. Someone tried to get us to bet more money. I think there was a ball of cash.
Dreamt me and J—— were annoying each other.
Had another dream where I bought two games, one a political board game about Egypt and another which I think was in a small blue bag. I now remember I bought these with money returned for gifts by giver. How I got the money I don't remember. I went up to J—— and showed him the games. He said he had played the blue one before. Then M—— said he played the Egyptian one. He then asked if we were ever in our parents election photos or something.
Another dream where I could only see my phone screen, and was watching a bunch of notifications pop up on my lock screen. One was really long. I unlocked my phone and went to swipe out some of the apps I had open. My phone was sideways and I tried swiping out the apps but couldn't.
A fourth dream where a bunch of bugs went inside my skin
I dreamt I woke up, ate breakfast, and went outside to walk to school. It was around 7:50. I ran into R—— and we walked together. I then realized, and told him, that I had forgotten all my stuff. He also smelt really nice, which also reminded me I forgot to brush my teeth. I ran back to get my things.
Dreamt I was playing chess against S—— with a wooden chessboard. The pieces were all made of slime. I was then arrested by aliens and sent to some planet where I tried to escape. I think I was falsely convicted.
Dreamt I was with L—— and H—— in a city, but the entire city was traversed by going up stairs? I had paranoia in the dream. There were a lot of magazines lying round.
Dreamt that my hair was really long, I beat someone in chess, and C—— texted me something. He texted me chess and some game where you through keys. I was really good at the key game.
Dreamt I ate chocolate chip waffles.
Had a dream in which I was looking at the wikipedia page for minesweeper. In my dream minesweeper was played with two people and made by an old woman at the "Family of —— University". Later, I was going to bed, and I heard a lot of noise outside. I looked out my window, and someone had lifted the cover of one of those electricity boxes, and was crawling into a hole underneath it. I then woke up (in the dream) and out of my window saw the guy crawl out again. I also noticed a large grey building which looked like an Iranian carpark. I went outside, saw the guy go in and out of the hole a few more times, and looked at the building. It had large windows with no glass and cars inside. I wanted to go in, but the only entrance was a locked door. I walked around to the back of the building, and sure enough there were windows at the back too. I thought I'd climb in later. When I was back at the front of the building I took a better look at the door, and in dark grey writing on the entirely grey building it said: "Family of —— University
Open 11:00AM to 11:00PM" so I thought I'd just wait till it opened.
Had a dream where I was looking at A——, and his pupils were moving like water, going up and down. Then I realized that was strange, and his pupils went back to normal for a second, and then became really small. Then we laughed and they went back to normal.
Had a dream where I was in a bus and someone did something annoying. I whispered some curse and other people in the bus laughed.
Had another dream where N—— died, but then came back slightly later. C—— said something about peeing on me, and that other guy that's sometimes with C—— was also there.
Dreamt I was showing J—— a magic trick or something, and she thought they were interesting. When she looked away I snuck off. There was a wire fence. I ran up to J—— and we talked about something, and we then walked over to a table where C—— was. Something happened to him, I don't remember what.
Dreamt I was walking with K—— to some event. I was trying to say his name but all that came out was L——. S—— corrected me, she was walking a bit ahead of us, and said his name.
Dreamt I was talking to S—— and someone else started talking to them. We walked somewhere else and I went to J—— and talked about something. Then S—— walked up to me and asked me if I new about the college visiting thing on Wednesday, which I had heard about. Some confusing thing happened next with paper and stuff. I scratched some white out and saw C4H6O2 written down under it.
Dreamt I was in biology class, but with the room looking different. There were chairs on both sides of the desks. N—— was wearing full cream-colored clothes. I remarked, while standing for some reason, how flowers were nice. S—— agreed, and then pointed out how N—— was also holding a rose.
Dreamt I was backhandedly throwing knives in chemistry class with J—— and V——.
I dreamt that L—— was fishing in a large foggy field after rain. She would cast the rod as far as she could, and then reel it back in, catching nothing. She passed the rod to me, and I tried fishing from a small muddy pond. I caught a large fish. M—— came and cut off the head of the fish and started slicing off the skin. I didn't notice anything strange with it in the dream, but the inside of the fish was completely pink, no bones or anything, except for near the tail where it looked like there was a motor. We walked off with the fish. Also dreamt I ran into S—— and we went into some room together. The room was completely black and you couldn't see any shadows or anything, I didn't notice anything wrong with it in the dream though.
Dreamt of giants.
Dreamt I told C—— about my chair-swinging dream.
Dreamt S—— turned her dog into a piece of fish, filleted and everything, and Willow started eating it. It was terrifying.
Dreamt S—— was doing a presentation on the rising rate of inflation and was wearing a suit.
Had a dream where L—— wanted a toboggan, and we got one and dragged it up a tall snow hill. She went down a large snow ramp and I went down a smaller one on a sled.
Had another dream where I looked in a mirror and noticed a tissue deep in my nose. I pulled it out and could then breathe way better. Was extremely satisfying.
Had another dream where D—— said something about being Christian, and H—— disagreed on my behalf before I could say anything sacrilegious.
Had a dream with the doctor guy from stardew valley.
Dreamt a lot of people hated eggs and were protesting them or something. Not for ethical reasons or anything, just they though they tasted bad.
Dreamt a lot of flies kept going into my cereal and dying. The cereal was very milky.
Had a dream where I met Kyle McLachlan. He was old and a bit grouchy. I also saw that cat lady from harry potter wearing a bright yellow cat suit.
Had another dream where L—— was showing me a book titled "Happy Cyberpunk Reviews" or something like that. It was a large book.
Had a dream where M—— learned to hide secret messages by eating bread.
Also dreamt I was hiding.
Dreamt I was playing a game similar to civ, and loosing. I also think I was a meme in the dream and wanted to listen to shrek music.
Had another dream where I was in my house with H—— and L——. I couldn't count my fingers, and realized I was in a dream. Looked into a mirror and saw nothing. I could morph my body around a bit in the dream.
Dreamt I was comparing the score I got on a math test with K—— in Spanish class. Two others were there, Z—— and someone else I don't remember the name of. My score was in red ink and on a clear piece of tape-like plastic. I think I missed either 5 or 7 points. It was out of 20-30. K—— score was out of 87, so I asked him which test that was. That reminded me that I need to check my history essay grade, which then reminded me that I shouldn't be in school today. I realized I was dreaming. The other people in my dream became unresponsive. The world around me started kind of dissolving. All the black turned to grey with dots. The dots swirled in circles for a bit and at one point resembled a face. Then I woke myself up.
Dreamt of instructions on how to make LSD.
Dreamt I was in a familiar classroom at the start of a schoolyear. I was sitting at the front of the class, but I started walking towards the back of the class to say hi to some of my friends. The classroom was really large. Only around a third of the desks were filled. There was one person trying to figure out where J—— was, and I tried to help him. Then the teacher said something about how previous members of his class would have an advantage. I started moving back to my desk. All the desks were very close together. Near my desk I saw B——, and we excitedly greeted each other. I moved the desk next to mine a bit as to fit into my seat. I then noticed L—— and A—— in the class. There was also a lot of popcorn.
Also dreamt that someone was trying to steal a chicken breast from me.
Dreamt I was in a square area of flat grass with a bunch of other people. We had cards we could use to do things, some assorted items, and some weak guns. There was someone who I addressed as the mayor. I was scared that someone would steal my cards.
Dreamt I got an email saying my spot in the congressional app thing had been taken.
Dreamt I was in a hotel room with L——, H——, and M——. We were eating breakfast at a circular table. I suddenly realized I was dreaming, and started telling that to them. They didn't care, which made me upset. I made someone appear, and then saw a magazine and showed it to L——. I then went to explore.
Dreamt of a full moon.
Me and someone else were in the mountains at a gift shop after leaving some place. The shop was full of boardgames. There was one just called "Greenland", with a rib-shaped land in an ocean showed on the box. There were also board games called "U.S." and "The World".
Dreamt there was a fairy or something which was helping me and L—— make gold. We first got it in rocks or something, which I brought to a shed with a burlap sack. The fairy then refined the gold. H—— entered, and the fairy hid behind a pillar. I opened the door of the shed and then me and H—— started pushing various buttons trying to close it. L—— gave some gold to a house cleaner wearing a white hazmat suit.
Had a dream where I was playing some medieval style videogame. There was a large castle where I was king. I also had "enchanted knights". The game had two parts, first part being managing the kingdom, and then your kingdom would be destroyed and the second part of the game is you living in exile as a trader.
Had some uneventful sleep paralysis, and then dreamt about F——.
Dreamt there was something L—— wanted to buy, and I was helping her find a better version of it online.
Dreamt I was making peace with some cat
Had a dream where there was a white dog owned by my grandparents that kept drying to bite me.
Then dreamt of a lot of bugs
Then had a dream where I was anxiously waiting for the doorbell to ring.
In my dream I was in a place that looked like a huge open field, and that part looked realistic, but there was a large blue train moving through which looked almost like it was out of roblox. There were tons of people in the field. Someone said that the president was on the train or some important guy like that. I swiped the air at the train and it fell over. I then walked to an auditorium where some play was happening. I sat between N—— and some other guy with a big forehead. The latter looked sweaty. He leaned over to me and said something, and then said the same thing to N——, who responded saying something like "not till after the show". Then we watched a bit more of it, I think there were ballerinas.
Dreamt I threw up in a metal sink, sprayed it with water, and when I looked at it again it looked like the remains of an apple. Some cheery girl came and talked to me for a bit then left. I went home and M—— offered me bread. Willow hopped into my arms. I put her down and then saw a spider. I grabbed an empty package or something and swat at it. It moved, and I swat at it again.
Had a lucid dream in which I went down to my garage because something was happening there. Got confused and lost though, and lost lucidity pretty fast. Noticed that I still see my visual snow in dreams.
Dreamt of a white pair of socks laying on the floor.
Dreamt I finished my history homework. I was quite disappointed when I found out it was a dream.
Dreamt of G——
Dreamt that me, L——, M——, and two others were doing something. M—— was a monster or something, and we were working to catch him. We tired him by having him eat some stuff or something, and then brought him to a small room where most of the walls were sliding glass doors. The room also had a lot of plants, and was inside a train station. He said something about not being able to remember his brother.
Dreamt me and L—— bumped into one another while walking around at night. I was going to get water, and I can't remember where she was going. We both then saw M——, and then someone else appeared, I don't remember who.
Dreamt there were four guys at a desk, who were saying that their scratching club was open. I recognized one of the people in the dream, but I don't remember who it was. I walked away, and the building was large and had a lot of Chinese religious symbols around the building.
Dreamt that my wife (?) handed me a kitchen strainer with the engraving "magical tennis racket". We were packing up a car.
Dreamt I was somewhere with M—— and he asked me to translate something. I flipped through some thing until I found a diagram which helped me translate it somehow. In the dream I thought the language looked like French, but it really didn't.
Dreamt someone was talking to me about China again.
Dreamt that someone was teaching me about China.
Then dreamt I had just woken up into a bright room, but didn't want to get out of bed. I closed my eyes, moved my legs a bit and then couldn't move. Heard someone say a rasping "come in".
Dreamt I was vising my grandparents, but their house looked more like my house. Me and L—— were playing some game similar to monopoly in my grandmothers bedroom. We were playing it on an old computer with two mice. L—— had a mattress with her. I think I then removed like all of my foot with a blue spoon. All of my foot was dead skin. Seemed normal in the dream.
Dreamt that me, A——, and two other people were dancing in a mostly empty room. J—— entered. A jazz song started playing and then A—— stood on the top part of a chair, and that part of the chair started swinging back and forth with his feet planted firmly on it. After a few seconds the chair fell forward. J—— said something about needing a translating app and showed me some app on his phone. His hair then grew really long.