Link directories are so nice
If I know what I want, I can just use a search engine and find it in an instance. But what if I don't know what I want? What if I just want to explore the internet? Well in that case, a search engine is about as good as just typing in random URLs and seeing what comes up. The way site rankings are if you google anything the first dozen results will often be practically indifferentiable. I'm not saying you can't find interesting sites through search results, but it's like trying to shoot fish in an ocean.
This is when link directories come into play. When I go onto a site I like and I see a bunch of other sites linked to it, I love to just go down the rabbit-hole and check out all the other sites that person seemed to like. Webrings are also similar to this, but I prefer seeing what sites the webgardener personally thought were worth linking.
I have a page full of links on my site ( and I encourage you to add one to your site as well. Happy surfing!