Originally there were only two beings - Man and Twin. They were siblings, in a far sense of the word, and lived together in an endless sea of nothingness.
One day, Man decided he wanted more, and sacrificed Twin to create the world. He spread his skin to create the land, split his blood to form the waters, and used his bones to form many grand mountains and hills. His hair became the grass, his breath the wind, his brain the clouds. Man lastly thought there needed be something changing, some circulus vitiosus deus - and thus he turned his brothers eyes into the sun, and his soul into the moon. Content, Man rested.
But, as time passed, Man's desires rose once again. He could not be content with his still world he had created, and wanted to once again have there be others than himself.
Man took a rib of Twin's, and plunged it into his chest. His blood split upon the world, and from his ichor grew mortal beings. Some blood fell upon the clouds, and from that came the birds; some sank into the oceans and seas, and from that came the fish; some was caught in the wind, and from that came the bugs; and some fell upon the land, and from that rose animals. Lastly, his soul spilt amongst the land, and from that rose man once again - split and mortal.